
This Is It, Fitness Buffs

It’s a Shame For YOU Not To Gain Muscle and Strength When My Students Do It So Easily

From: Tony Cecchine
Re: One Leading Cause Of Failure

The last thing you want on the mat, let alone on the street, is that sinking feeling that you’ve just ran out of juice. Nothing can be more frightening, and nothing can make you feel more utterly helpless. As someone who has spent nearly 40 years on the mat studying the art of Catch-As-Catch-Can Wrestling, I’ve seen it happen a thousand times. Having grown up in the toughest neighborhood of Cleveland and later working in some of the meanest and dirtiest bars this side of Hell, I can also tell you from experience that fatigue doesn’t just make cowards of them all:

It can make cripples of the lucky and cadavers of the rest!

Sure, you may have the best techniques on your side. You may also have some excellent training under your belt and the willingness to use it. The problem is: after 10 seconds, it’s anybody’s game!

I’ve seen some great technical wrestlers go down hard on the mat because they weren’t in fighting shape. Even worse, I’ve seen it happen to martial artists and black belts on the street. Now, if you’re thinking that all you need to do is to go out there and run some laps on the track or hit the exercycle, I’ve got more news for you: I’ve seen long-distance athletes go down just as hard from fatigue. Sure, they had some fitness on their side, probably a lot more than most regular martial artists do. But they didn’t know the stuff necessary to turn them into real fighting machines. They didn’t know the exact tactics they needed to make them fighting fit.

I learned many of these exercises and tactics from one of the strongest men of the 20th Century and I’m exposing these exercises and variations to you to make you better, stronger, healthier, and more feared.


If you are truly interested in being the type of guy or girl who can run any and all competition into the ground, and do it time and time again, you must and I mean MUST, learn how to do it the right way. Now is your chance! For the first time ever, I’m letting the public in on the true keys to maximum fighting endurance. Filmed on location at Chicago’s infamous “Tool and Die Shop”, where the resurgence of Catch Wrestling took root, The Routine shows you exactly what you need to do and in exactly the way you need to do it. I’ve taken all of the guess-work out and created an “A,B,C and 1,2,3” course that will catapult your fighting fitness immediately to previously unknown heights, head to toe.

The Routine is specifically designed to create a synergistic effect, meaning everything works together to compliment everything else. Some of the exercises you may have seen, many you will not have, but I can PROMISE that when you put it all together in the way shown, you’ll be blown away with the results!

No need to purchase extra equipment, either. Just bring your sweat and bring your guts, and I’ll do the rest! A word of caution though: this is not a glitz and glamour production. If you are offended by salty language and real training conditions, this video isn’t for you. But, if you really want a body that will not let you down, this is your first, last and best stop on the road to real fighting fitness. You can take that to the bank. The exercises run the gamut from cardio to strength, all synergistically designed to build upon themselves. You’ll get an amazing upper body as well as lower body workout, covering everything from your neck, to your grip; from your back to your feet. I know fitness. Here is a sample of some of the things I’ve been able to accomplish:

  • 5,000 plus squats non-stop
  • 400+ lb bench presses for reps
  • Nearly 700 lb. deadlifts
  • Strict curls with 225lbs…..for REPS!!!!! (a full 10 lbs over bodyweight)
  • Dips with 300 lbs attached for reps
  • Over 1,000 consecutive pushups
  • 122 pushups in 60 seconds

What is fitness?

I’m sure if you ask a dozen fitness instructors you’ll get a dozen different answers. For me, I breakdown fitness into simple categories.

Muscular strength:

The ability to demonstrate the limits of your muscular ability through lifting, pulling, pushing, etc. Some examples are lifting weight overhead, pulling heavy objects, bending, twisting, and manipulating objects, etc.

Muscular endurance:

Using your muscles in a repetitive situation. Some examples are doing push-ups for high reps, lifting weights for high reps, walking great distances, etc.

Cardiovascular Explosiveness and Endurance:

This is where you have great energy levels. It allows you to be an “energizer bunny” so to speak. It can be broken into sub-categories such as burst energy or endurance. Some examples are sprinting, running great distances, biking to extremes, jumping, etc.

For muscular strength, NOTHING beats a proper progressive resistance program such as lifting weights. Do not be fooled and lied to by folks who say that lifting weights is bad, ineffective, and other such nonsense. Weight training is universally recognized as the foundation for all athletic endeavors. See my Worth The Weight mp4 for more information.

For cardiovascular explosiveness and endurance, you need a program tailored to specifically target you heart and lungs. But more than a mere increase in heart rate, you need a program that can target all other areas as well….get the heart rate up….keep it up….and delve even deep. Such a program is famed Lucky 13.

For muscular endurance, both bodyweight and weights can be an excellent source to help you make improvements. The key however, is balance. You must not run the risk of over-training which sadly happens to a lot of people. Also, injury risk is greater because of the excess repetitions one encounters. This brings us to the Routine mp4.

What you’ll learn:

  • Special exercises designed to develop crushing grip strength.
  • Simple hand positions to make your pushups become true power developers.
  • Develop a neck like an oak tree. Special exercises that will make your neck like a steel spring.
  • Learn the PROPER way to do Hindu squats. It’s not like you think!
  • Hanging chins. What’s their purpose and benefit?
  • Lung busting drills to develop endurance and explosiveness.
  • Sprawl drills designed to generate explosiveness, endurance, and speed
  • Plus many added extras!
check11“The truth is that this workout surpassed anything I have tried before. Fitness is a passion of mine and while I thought the mp4 would be good because I have purchased your other products, I thought that on this note I would be up to the task. Boy was I wrong. The Routine is simply an amazing workout regimen. This is far and away the best bodyweight fitness course I have ever seen. Tony, you are at another level and I so appreciate you sharing your knowledge. You have a customer for life.”

Bill Hearth

Here are some added Built-In bonuses you’ll receive by doing the Routine:

  1. Be Strong
  2. Be Healthy
  3. Renew Vigor And Energy
  4. Get Rid Of Aches And Pains
  5. Live Longer
  6. Enhance Leisure
  7. Gain Self-Respect
  8. Gain Confidence
check11“This is a hard workout. Certainly I know of no one that can just go right through it. It leaves plenty of room for development. I really am overwhelmed at how well the exercises work with each other. At first I thought I would not get through it, but within a short time I was making gains that I just thought wasn’t possible. This is now my favorite workout tape. Thanks Tony. I’m sticking with this for a LONG time.”

Tom Jankowski

Strength and fitness IS my lifestyle. It’s much more than a passion. I take strength and I take fighting seriously. To me, it is a matter of life and death. I’m here to help you. No matter where you are at currently, you WILL improve by following my advice. That’s a fact. And something else I’ve decided to do….

headline5I’m going to do something a lot better that just selling you a mp4. I’m giving you a FREE 1 hour workout in my gym with me whenever you are in town and schedule it. Now because there will be a big demand I will have to limit this to the first 20 people who purchase this product. I charge $100.00 an hour for private lessons. You’re getting that for the cost of a mp4.

The Routine Order Form

YES! I want these exact exercises to boost my fitness and strength levels.

  • I understand I will be working on developing my body unlike ever before
  • I will receive benefits that will last a lifetime
  • I can refund for any reason or no reason whatsoever within the next 30 days

The Routine

(Approx. 55 min.)

PRICE: $37.00



Enjoy instant access to these videos and bonus by downloading the mp4 (and/or mp3 if appropriate) files immediately.

Please note: A download link will be emailed to you. You have 24 hours to download your product.

(approx. download size 234MB )

The Routine

PRICE: $37.00


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I’m excited for this opportunity to share my knowledge with you as I have with so many others through the years.

